Wednesday, December 5, 2007

If I could only ...

"Whatever happens, happens for good."

These are powerful words, often not realised on time. But is it completely true? Isn't the fact that whatever has to happen, just happens. Good or bad is too meek a word for a powerful executioner like life. Becoming nostalgic either brings us back sweet memories or some pain. But it definitely proves that we were strong to go through the phase.

As a kid I used to read the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew detective novels. Usually, in any given plot, these teen detectives would look for clues. Most of the times, only one clue looked promising. Even if there were multiple, it would not take long enough to figure out which one was worth pursuing. Later, they came up with a series, in which the reader was given a choice which clue to pursue. If one thinks A is correct, go to page x else go to page y. It would be the same story, with multiple plots and multiple endings. It was possible that more than one plots would result in the same ending.

I heard this idea was trying to be implemented in movie halls. One can watch a movie and follow the plots which one think should be happening. In a sense, the audience is directing the movie their own way. I am not sure if it ever got implemented.

The idea is difficult and challenging. The reader/audience can easily get confused as to which path to follow and what decisions to make. I think it would only result in more chaos.

Maybe that is why the wise Creator did not give us an option of directing our own lives completely. But He did give us a mind to dream.

If I could only live a simple life and not complicate it too much with my thoughts.
If I could only live the present in flesh and mind.
If I could only turn back time and save for what I still had.


aMus said...

nice line of thought!!**He did give us a mind to dream.** and also the ability to think...

The'IF' factor istempting but i think its great that i am not given too many choices to choose from, 'cos then i would be stuck...

and i hated those nancy drew books..a compulsive reader, i had to read all the endings, so it took double the time and i made my life miserable!!!

Sairekha said...

Sometimes I think our lives are like books with multiple plots n multiple endings... if at every decision-making phase, we chose differently, our lives would be quite diff right? :-)

Sreejith said...

would it be wonderful to have a undo button in life? and would you use it? tells you a lot about your life na...

Jaya said...

TA: I have gobbled most of the detective novels in my younger days. The only novels I could never stand were the M&B series

Ziah: You are back, you are back. Yes dear, if you had not chosen to write a comment on my blog, your life sure would have been different :) :)

Sreejith: Thought provoking... Not sure of the answer....

To evolve or not...