Saturday, August 18, 2007

Where are we going?

It must be one topic which must be finding a place in every conversation regardless of language or location. People in general are worried where are we heading and some are certain that the dooms day is just around the corner.

Generations have come and developed the world for better or worse. But people seem to be more concerned now. Maybe because this generation has progressed technologically faster than the previous ones or more importantly because I am living this generation and keep hearing it everyday.

But are we really heading towards a doom's day? That only time can tell.

In my view , genarations change and so do troubles. Each generation has it's own ways of resolving them. Some of these solutions might have filtered across generations but lot are learnt by surviving them. As it is said- practical knowledge makes a person wiser than theoretical knowledge.

The common concerns are less compassion and time for each other, severe competitiveness makes no time to enjoy simple pleasure of life. I feel each generation has it's own interpretation of "leisure" and "fun". True that people seem to be in maddening rush but there are lot of developments that cannot be ignored. Again whether it is for better or worse is the way we interpret it and the way we want to live life. Few to note : Individual dreams can attain reality now, Bonding the whole world through spirituality, going one step above religion.

There is always an "unknown" which lures us, there is always a "fight" that keeps us strong. In past, wars and conservative socities might have made it easier to know the "enemy". Even though we cannot put a face to what we are fighting for, we do feel the same urge to get evolved , become a better human, attain realisation. Deciphering the unknown and winning it is what makes the civilization evolve and sustain life. This will go on and the only thing we can do is survive it and attain the wisdom. Whether we are able to share the wisdom is the only struggle shared among generations.


Madhu said...

I agree with you Jaya, ask the current generation what they really want to do, and u will hear answers related to betterment of society in some form.

One thing we need to understand is, IT is like a revolution(similar to green revolution earlier) will take a while before it stablises in the way the work happens...i am sure once that happens the lifesyles will get better.

Every generation does try to take values/beliefs from earlier generation and improvise it based on the current situation. Which i feel is for the better.

Granny Smith said...

This is well-written and thoughtful. I think that there are some issues that must be addressed right now,that can't wait (for instance accelerated global warming) if your vision is to prevail.

Tammy Brierly said...

This generation and its techno waste must be addressed and I loved " Individual dreams can attain reality now, Bonding the whole world through spirituality, going one step above religion."


Keith's Ramblings said...

I hope the new generation does try to better the world. But for now the attitude seems to be 'live for today and let tomorrow look after itself'

Amarettogirl said...

As a high-school teacher I see a lot of different attitudes and philosophies about the future - and you are correct there does seem to be a "betterment" ideal that is growing as the branding and advertisement world takes on issues like global warming...but we no longer have the luxury of time. Waiting is no longer an option. There are still TOO many 'I'm all that matter' philosophies permeating out of today's youth - who happen to be our future. - amarettogirl

paisley said...

i think we are to well informed and have used it like a child uses bits and pieces of adult conversations to create lavish tales as to where babies come from...

we take any thing that we find out is good for us and use it senselessly,, meanwhile abandoning things that have served us well for hundreds of years... in favor of products or practices that will no doubt 20 years from now be once again taboo....

i can make no sense of it myself...

myrtle beached whale said...

Unfortunately we spend all our efforts banning things like Lawn Darts, Silly String, Superballs and Slip N Slides. None of which have had a negative affect on our environment.

Pirate Princess said...

I agree with you - have you read "The Fourth Turning"? It's all about the cycles of generations - I think you'd find it facinating.

Well expressed! :)

To evolve or not...